These Wellness And Fitness Instagram Accounts Are Worth A Look

It’s easy to pick up your phone and mindlessly scroll through Instagram when you’re feeling lazy or even just a bit bored. By following some of the hottest health accounts on Instagram, you can turn that distracted scrolling into a moment of serious motivation. Check out these top health and fitness accounts that’ll fill your feed with much needed reminders to get up, get moving, and get into shape!

Kayla Itsines, @kayla_itsines
Known for her wildly successful Bikini Body Guides, Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) is always coming up with new ways to keep you motivated to hit the gym. Follow along for some serious six-pack inspiration, workout videos, nutritional tips, and more. The trainer has built an impressive fitness community, so you may even find your new workout BFF in the comments section.

Tanya Poppett, @achieving_balance
Have you been feeling bored with your workout routine? Follow Tanya Poppet (@achieving_balance) and you’ll quickly be inspired to switch things up. The trainer from Sydney shares tons of new ways to get active, including boxing, canoeing, and aerial yoga. Scroll her feed for inspiration, then download her free app, Train With Tanya, for fun and simple HIIT exercises you can do anywhere.

Amanda Bisk, @amandabisk
If you’re looking to build muscle but afraid of bulking up, give Amanda Bisk (@amandabisk) a quick follow. There’s more to this yoga instructor than meets the eye. She’s also an exercise physiologist and former pole vaulter. Follow along for inspirational yoga posts, tips on body toning, and adorable pictures of her dachshund puppy.

Jen Selter, @jenselter
Warning: Serious booty envy ahead. Jen Selter (@jenselter) is a New York fitness model with a rear-end so flawless that she’s literally famousknown for having one of the best butts on Instagram. Take her Instagram challenge to chase her results, or just follow along for inspiration to never skip a butt workout again.

Tracy Anderson, @tracyandersonmethod
You may not be able to hire Gwyneth Paltrow’s personal trainer, but at least you can follow her on Instagram. Tracy Anderson (@tracyandersonmethod) will bring you sneak peeks at the workout routines she creates for some of the most beautiful people in Hollywood. Hey, if it works for Gwyneth Paltrow, it’ll definitely work for you!

Nicole Winhoffer, @nicolewinhoffer
For fitness inspiration as high-energy and fun as it is effective, follow Madonna’s personal trainer, Nicole Winhoffer (@nicolewinhoffer), on Instagram. You’re sure to get on your feet and moving after watching her dance videos. Burn fat with her butt-boosting exercises or tone your muscles by (safely) attempting her incredible acrobatic poses. This account will turn your fitness routine into one big, fat-burning, muscle-toning dance party in no time.

Emily Skye, @emilyskyefit
Just one quick glance at Emily Skye’s Instagram (@emilyskyefit) will have you asking, “What do I do to get abs like that?” Don’t worry, she’ll share lots of tips on how to do just that, including workout videos, must-have gear, and more. Follow her for inspiration and you just may end up as her next before and after post. #AbEnvy, meet #TransformationTuesday.

Cassey Ho, @blogilates
With pilates poses, workout videos, and healthy recipes, Cassey Ho’s Instagram account (@blogilates) really does have it all. Follow along to see why over a million followers turn to her for daily inspiration. Cassey is the creator of POP Pilates, and her bright and cheery persona will prove that it actually is possible to smile while breaking a sweat.

Mary Helen Bowers, @balletbeautiful
Women all over the country are signing up for barre classes in hopes of achieving the strength and beauty so unique to ballet. Follow professional ballerina and trainer Mary Helen Bowers (@balletbeautiful) for inspirational photos as lovely and artistic as they are empowering. They”ll be just the kick in the pants you need to put that barre membership to good use.

Michelle Tam, @nomnompaleo
Are you getting tired of your paleo diet? Have you struggled to find recipes that are both appetizing and healthy? If so, it’s about time you follow Michelle Tam (@nonnompaleo) on Instagram, where she shares mouthwatering captures of recipes from her cookbook, Nom Nom Paleo. With Paleo recipes for everything from Asian meatballs to Japanese egg custard, you’re sure to find the inspiration you need to actually enjoy clean eating.

Kathryn Budig, @kathrynbudig
Follow Kathryn Budig (@kathrynbudig) on Instagram and you’ll discover a fitness, nutrition, and adorable puppy account all rolled into one. The yogi and writer shares incredible shots of yoga poses you can try at home, as well as healthy and delicious recipes. Follow along for an up-close look at the life of this dog-obsessed, super-fit, totally relatable Under Armour athlete.

Natalie Uhling, @natalieuhling
If you love to look as good as you feel while hitting the gym, definitely don’t miss out on following Natalie Uhling (@natalieuhling.) This trainer is an Under Armour athlete and often shares inspirational photos featuring their latest gear. There’s more to this account than beauty, however. The creator of NUFit definitely has the brains and muscle necessary to get you up and moving.

Marie Purvis, @mariepurvis
If you know what it’s like to grind out a workout with the Nike Training Club app, then you already know how intense it can be to train under Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis (@mariepurvis). She’s the brains and brawn behind those workouts, and her Instagram is full of pictures and videos of exercises you’ll definitely want to add to your exercise regimen.

Adam Rosante, @adamrosante
If you often claim that you don’t have time to fit in a workout, Adam Rosante (@adamrosante) doesn’t want to hear it. His book The 30-Second Body is all about totally transforming your body with super simple moves you can do anytime, anywhere. Follow him on Instagram for motivational boosts and mini workouts you will definitely be able to fit into your busy day. No more excuses!

Tamara Aboumrad, @tamsfitness
Follow Tamara Aboumras (@tamsfitness) and discover what it takes to be a Division 1 athlete. The self-proclaimed “fitness and health freak” shares mouthwatering snapshots of the meals that fuel her workouts, bodyweight exercises you can do from home, and weightlifting routines to help you build muscle.

Dana Shultz, @minimalistbaker
If you’re unfollowing any foodie accounts that are a bad influence on your healthy lifestyle, you’re sure to find Dana Shultz (@minimalistbaker) a perfect replacement for your feed. Her gluten-free and vegan recipes are actually ones you’ll be able to recreate from home. They have ten ingredients or less, require only one bowl, or take less than 30 minutes to prepare, so you won’t be able to find a single excuse to not whip up one of these tasty and healthy concoctions.

Natalie Jill, @nataliejillfit
Following Natalie Jill (@nataliejillfit) on Instagram feels a lot like working out with your best friend in your own living room. Her workout routines are no joke, yet simple enough to knock out at home and without a single piece of equipment. You’re sure to transform your routine with the help of her motivational videos.

Jay Cardiello, @jaycardiello
If you love natural health remedies as much as you love a good workout, give celebrity trainer Jay Cardiello (@jaycardiello) a follow on Instagram. His lighthearted videos are fun to watch and provide little “fit tips” that are sure to keep you inspired to make healthy choices throughout your day.

Dorothy Beal, @mileposts
There’s a pretty good chance that running coach and 29-time marathoner Dorothy Beal (@mileposts) got in a quick 11-mile run before you even finished breakfast this morning. Could you use some of that energy? Follow her account for regular inspiration to throw on your running shows and hit the pavement. Don’t worry—this ultra fit athlete is still relatable. She’s a mom and is known to post pictures with #iranitfortheinsta, so she definitely gets where you’re coming from.

Jessi Kneeland, @jessikneeland
Strength coach and fitness blogger Jessi Kneeland (@jessikneeland) likes to post her workout pictures and videos with accompanying inspirational messages. The TedX speaker certainly knows how to get her positive messages across. For all things body-love, weightlifting, fitness, and what she calls “relentless transparency”, follow along and experience a surefire boost to your motivation levels.

Katrina and Karena, @toneitup
Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson, known by fans as the Tone It Up girls (@toneitup), know how important it is to have a workout buddy if you’re going to stick to a plan and crush your goals. That’s why they’ve teamed up to bring you the very best of bikini body workouts, healthy recipes, and super cool fitness apparel. Follow them, and then follow their lead by finding an accountability partner who is willing to break a sweat with you.

Joanne Encarnacion, @gofitjo
Learn how to make fitness a part of your daily lifestyle by following health and fitness blogger Joanne Encarnacion (@gofitjo). The account has a crisp, clean, and modern style that looks as good as healthy living feels. You’ll love her fitness-inspired fashion, motivational advice, and exercise snapshots.

Robin Arzon, @robinnyc
Robin Arzon (@robinnyc) is a lawyer turned street athlete, cycle instructor, and fitness author. There’s seriously nothing this chick can’t do. Robin takes to Instagram to share her journey with Type 1 Diabetes and inspires over 80,000 people to overcome their own obstacles. Her posts are the perfect reminder that if you’ll just put your mind to it, you can do anything.

Joe Wicks, @thebodycoach
Joe Wicks (@thebodycoach) shares just about everything you need to know to lose fat and get fit with over one million followers on Instagram. With how-to videos for killer workouts and healthy recipes, it’s no wonder his feed is so full of successful before and after transformations. Follow along, and you’ll be rushing out to the store for ingredients to whip up everything from healthy pineapple fried rice to quinoa-protein pancakes.

Jeanette Jenkins, @MsJeanetteJenkins
If you’re looking to get fit, you’ll need to combine the power of a good workout with the importance of a healthy diet. Fortunately, Hollywood trainer and nutritionist Jeanette Jenkins (@MsJeanetteJenkins) offers tips for both on her Instagram account. Drool over her colorful food creations, then make one for yourself. You’ll need it to fuel your body before tackling one of her bikini bootcamp workout videos!

Jillian Michaels, @jillianmichaels
You’ve already been inspired by seeing Jillian Michaels (@jillianmichaels) on your TV, kicking butt on The Biggest Loser. Now you can follow her on Instagram to keep that motivation in the palm of your hand. The TV star and personal trainer has filled podcasts, DVDs, books, and more with her seemingly boundless health and wellness knowledge, and her Instagram account is a fun and easy way to tap into that well of wisdom every single day.

Will Arrufat, @willsworkout
If you find CrossFit gyms a tad bit intimidating, why not start out by doing some WODs on your own (that’s CrossFit speak for “workout of the day”)? Nike Trainer Will Arrufat (@willsworkout) posts workouts on Instagram that are sure to transform your body and give you the confidence you need to hang with the fit crowd.