These Employees Definitely Deserve A Raise

If you’ve ever worked at a job dealing with people, and unless you’re very fortunate, you probably have, you may have encountered one event or another that led you to feel that no amount of money could make the work worthwhile. If so, you’re definitely not alone.
People performing a wide range of duties have reported having bizarre and strange experiences while on the job, many of which will leave you thanking your lucky stars that you’re not the one getting that paycheck. Check out these employees’ stories, and be prepared to have your jaw hit the floor……

Friends is a well-loved staple of the ‘90s in America. But have you ever seen people fight over a DVD box set of the show? Well, security officers definitely get their fair share of crazy experiences with people, and they have. One security officer was working at a retail store one day in England when he saw two people fighting over a DVD box set of Friends….
Walking over, the security officer tried to intervene in the situation only to be confronted by one of the people (who was apparently a junkie) with a dirty needle. The security officer quit after that. It’s hard to imagine loving Friends enough to threaten a security officer, let alone with a needle. And security officers can’t really be expected to know how to handle such a bizarre situation at a retail store. Reddit user: unspecifiedcarnage
The Tech Guy

People who work at phone stores are used to dealing with all kinds of technical questions and issues. But they’ve also seen some pretty ridiculous things when people come in with a complaint. For example, one person who sold phones at a Sprint store had a customer come in one day complaining about how her phone wasn’t working because of water damage. She opened up the cell phone case….
The Sprint employee was greeted by a thick stream of the customer’s sweat draining out of the phone case. Apparently, the customer exercised with her cellphone tucked in her workout pants, and sweat had collected in the phone case. Needless to say, a very awkward conversation ensued where the employee had to explain to the customer that the term “water damage” didn’t cover sweat damage. Reddit user: dryerfuzz
Last Forever

Some horror stories can involve customers who are just straight-up unreasonable. One person worked at an AT&T store when an irate customer stormed into the store and physically threw his brand-new iPhone at them. And all because it wouldn’t turn on. When the employee tried to talk to the man, the customer shouted at him and insisted that the iPhone should last forever….
Therefore, he argued, he shouldn’t have to ever charge the phone. When the employee explained to him that that’s not how electronics work, the man threw the phone at the employee’s face and bolted from the building. When the employee needed to look for reasons to quit, he didn’t have to look far. Reddit user: natos20
Ousting The Teacher

Being a teacher is a really tough job, and teachers rarely get enough credit for the work that they do. After all, few people have the fortitude to work with large groups of young people for long periods of time. One teacher recounts a horror story when she was teaching at a primary school and had a particularly difficult 8-year-old….
After being tagged in a schoolyard game of tag, this kid apparently went home and made up a reason for his mother to call the school and complain about the teacher. The next day, the young student taunted the teacher in class about he was going to get her fired. That was the last year that the teacher taught at that particular school. Reddit user: mermaid_quesadilla
Never Again

Medical professionals see an abundance of strange situations in their line of work, not to mention awkward ones. While priapism—a discreet medical term for those who have the misfortunate of an unusually long and painful erection—is not uncommon, there can be some pretty extreme cases. A medical professional once had a patient come in with an acute case of priapism…..
This case had lasted for over four hours. The medical professional had to hold the patient down while a resident tried to drain fluids from the area and inject medications in an effort to make the priapism dissipate. But their efforts were to no avail, and the patient had to undergo surgery; the employee had to explain to him afterwards that he would never experience an erection again. Reddit user: _Stamos
Ham and Bread

Fast food workers tend to have less-than-glamorous job experiences and see all kinds of rude customers. One Subway employee tells the story of how they had a customer come in and ask for “a sandwich.” After being prompted by the employee about what kind of sandwich, the surly customer replied, “Ham.” Upon further prompting about what kind of bread the customer would like their ham on, she replied, “Bread.”
Of course, this wasn’t very helpful, so the employee tried again to ask about what kind of bread the customer would like. “The usual kind” was her only reply. Unsure of what to do, the employee made the reasonable assumption that “the usual kind” meant plain white bread. But “the usual kind” apparently meant herb and cheese to the customer. Reddit user: AWildGooseAppeared
A Milkshake?

Being unable to decipher customer-speak is pretty common and happened to an employee at McDonald’s. One employee was working at the drive-thru and had a lady drive up and ask for a “thickshake.” While the employee correctly assumed that “thickshake” meant milkshake, it went downhill from there.
Upon asking the lady what flavor she would like, the lady simply repeated “thickshake.” Trying again, the employee was greeted by a furious torrent of verbal abuse as the lady in the drive-thru yelled at them for being stupid and not understanding what a “thickshake” was.
The hapless employee was finally bailed out by the lady’s friend, who was also in the car and explained that the employee was asking what kind of “thickshake” she wanted. And while most reasonable humans would be mortified after this, the lady in the drive-thru laughed the whole thing off at the expense of the poor drive-thru employee she had insulted just moments before. Reddit user: -PaperbackWriter-
A Plunger and a Knife

One area of work that most people might miss when thinking about difficult employee-customer situations is the air travel industry. While airports can see thousands of passengers a day, this particular story comes from someone working on a tiny private jet.
As the story goes, this person was captaining an 8-person jet to the famous SXSW festival in Texas. As soon as the flight took off, the passengers immediately began drinking….And, just two hours into the flight, one of the passengers approached the captain to tell him that the toilet wasn’t working anymore.
Puzzled, the captain checked the toilet and saw that it was working fine but that the tank was “at capacity” (i.e., the plane couldn’t hold any more waste). The captain told the passengers that they would continue the flight regardless. But he still had to try to plunge the toilet with rubber gloves and a plastic knife at 41,000 feet in the air. Reddit user: Meisterspork
Too Much Ketchup

Ah yes, the world of horror that is McDonald’s. Managers can get just as badly treated as ordinary employees. One manager was working at a McDonald’s and actually got screamed at by a district supervisor, in front of the entire restaurant, for putting two too many ketchup packets in a bag for a drive-thru order. Surprisingly, the manager didn’t quit right there and then, but finally gave in several weeks later….
The manager put in their two weeks’ notice, and their last day happened to fall on a day when the same district supervisor visited the store’s drive-thru. After the supervisor had ordered his food and the manager prepared it, the manager swapped bags and instead handed the supervisor a bag fall of nothing but ketchup packets. Furious, the supervisor came in to give the manager a telling-off, but the manager just walked out of the McDonald’s and never looked back. Reddit user: Charizarlslie
It’s Not True

Nurses tend to have the most interactions with patients and consequently tend to bear the brunt of patients’ behavior. One nurse’s top two patient stories involve a frighteningly optimistic family and a substance abuser. The nurse had to inform a family that the patient had died. Upon hearing this, the family’s immediate reaction was, “Well, maybe they’re not really dead….”
Later, the nurse had the lovely experience of having to explain to a 30-year-old diabetic, who also happened to be a substance abuser, that the method of eating large quantities of Mars Bars and injecting Lantus (a type of insulin) intravenously was not, in fact, an effective way to manage his diabetes. Reddit user: handsshaking
A Punch To The Face

Retail workers see some pretty ugly situations. An assistant manager was working to take stock of an entire store with both the night and day employees when they walked in on another assistant manager assaulting a staff member. The employee pulled the manager off and got punched as the other manager ran off. But it didn’t end there….
The manager of course filed a police report against the other manager for the assault. But instead of getting justice, the manager ended up getting in trouble with the company for not taking the “proper” course of action (reporting it to upper management) and that reporting the incident to the police had been the wrong thing to do. Furious, the manager quit and then filed another report for the physical assault he experienced, and he had the satisfaction of seeing the other manager eventually get fired. Reddit user: Devikat
Unplug The Landline

One gas station employee had a particularly awful and prolonged experience with the store that he worked for. Long story short, the employee never got days off and was always called in when she wasn’t supposed to be working. When she was finally given a holiday—Easter Sunday—she was woken Sunday morning to frantic phone calls from her store to come in and work. The employee refused and hung up….
But she continued receiving a barrage of calls from the gas station that she ignored. But the last straw was when she went to her family’s house and her employers somehow got hold of her mother’s number and began to call her incessantly as well. After being explicitly told to leave them alone or else they’d call the police, the employee and her entire family had to turn their phones off permanently for the rest of the day and unplug the house’s landline. Reddit user: secretagentbride
The Black Bag

Sometimes (oftentimes) it’s the parents who end up stirring up trouble for teachers and not necessarily the students. One teacher had to call a parent-teacher conference with a parent because her child’s grades had dropped and the student was also frequently absent from school. Throughout the entire meeting, the mother was extremely hostile and on the edge of physical violence….
After making it through the meeting, the teacher commented on the big black handbag that the parent had been brandishing throughout the meeting. And then, just two days later, the same parent was arrested. She had robbed a bank by holding up a teller with a weapon.
On the same day that she’d had the conference with the teacher. And surveillance footage showed that she had pulled out her weapon from the same black handbag that she had waved so threateningly during the parent-teacher conference. Reddit user: Drcoulter
Ice Cream Sewage

One person had the pleasure of working in a shop that was flooded with sewage, and all for $7.50 an hour. They worked at a well-known chain ice cream place, and the drains had been clogged for a full week before the manager decided to do something about it (apparently there was gray water seeping up from the drains that had spread all over the floor behind the counter). Once the plumber finally came and tried to open up the drain, a deluge of ice cream-based sewage came forth and flooded the entire store.
To add insult to injury, when the employees called their manager to ask if they could close early because no one, not even the world’s most ardent ice cream lover, would want to set foot in a store that reeked, the manager told them to stay. And not only that, but that they needed to stay an extra two hours. Reddit user: Kcismfof
We’ll Pay You To Take Them

Lots of people struggle with math, but everyone knows how sale signs work. At least, most people do, but others apparently don’t. One person used to work at a shoe store that would see a wide and odd assortment of people come in wanting to buy Jordans.
There happened to be a 40% off sale at the time, including on the Jordans. One lady came in with her husband, saw the 40% off sale sign, and turned to her husband to tell him that “the shoes are 40% off; that means if you buy some too, we get 80% off.”
The employee tried to explain to the couple that the 40% off meant 40% off of the total purchase. To her credit, the lady kept insisting that that wasn’t possible because “40 plus 40 is 80.” Frustrated, the employee finally told them, “Well, if you buy three pairs, then that’s 120% off, and we’d actually be paying you to take our shoes.” The employee walked away and left a very perplexed lady. Reddit user: [redacted]
Come Back Now

Working in a store that’s frequented by the Beverly Hills kind of folks can be trying, to say the least. One retail employee worked at a store where wealthy patrons would regularly come in with condescending airs. One wealthy customer was upset that her items couldn’t be returned.
So she was turning to the employee, and began speaking in a manner that implied that she thought the employee was stupid and even asked if the employee could understand her because they were Hispanic.Continuing on, the customer pointed at the phone and said, “Phone. You dial boss. Understand?”
At this point, the employee was understandably furious because, while Hispanic, they clearly could speak fluid English, since they were born and raised in the States. After an hour of verbal abuse, the customer eventually left after she couldn’t get what she wanted, and the employee waved her off. “Have nice day. Back you come, si?” Reddit user: meliett
Never Coming Back

Not unlike teachers, social workers see a lot of crazy things in their line of work. One social worker was employed at a group home where they were trying to teach youths to be polite and proper. One of the methods for this was to refuse rude demands and to gently try to get the children to rephrase things.
But it didn’t always work, because the children would then target the workers. On one particularly harrowing day, the house ended up being essentially internally destroyed after a vicious bout of tantrum-throwing.The workers, having suffered physical assault, retreated to the office and locked themselves in to try to wait out the storm. But when they tried to come back out, one of the children tried to push a staff member down the stairs.
Incensed, the social worker stopped her, only to get a mighty punch straight to the face. Deciding enough was enough, the two staff members left the house and called the police to intervene. After that day, the social worker never went back to that group home. Reddit user: [redacted]
Living in a Stable

Some people take jobs that make you question their sanity (and that also make them question their own sanity). One person was paid $50 a day and given a dump of a room in a run-down shack to work at the stables of a popular and wealthy resort. Of course, when the position had been advertised, the terrible hours and terrible living conditions hadn’t really been explained in full.
Employees for the stables had to rise at 7am to feed all the animals and then spend the rest of the day trying to humor tourists who didn’t know the first thing about how to ride a horse or interact with animals. After eight months, the person had finally had enough. They simply quit, without giving any notice, and never looked back. Reddit user: ColourMePretzel
Shorted on a Raise

Employees who go the extra mile sometimes get the recognition that they deserve, but sometimes they don’t. Due to being short staffed at work, one employee was doing the job of two people. Initially, it was only meant to be temporary, but after six months, it became clear that the empty role wasn’t going to be filled by another person. Because they were trying to do two jobs at once, the employee began to get in trouble for not meeting goals and deadlines.
The company was so dissatisfied with the employee that they told them they wouldn’t be getting their regular annual raise. Understandably angry, the employee told the company that they would immediately go back to just doing their job and none of the extra work that they’d been doing. The company realized its mistake, gave a half-hearted apology, and hired a new person. But they still didn’t give the employee a proper raise. Reddit user: RXL
Just Pamphlets

Private schools aren’t always as glamorous as people think. One teacher worked at a private school that was essentially a warehouse with heating and A/C. They were paid minimum wage and given no overtime, despite working more than 40 hours a week, and, to top it off, received no benefits of any kind.
When a new student arrived at the school, the teacher, having been trained in previous jobs to recognize the signs, realized that the student seemed to have autism.The teacher notified the parents and then notified the principal of the school. Unfortunately, no one at the school was properly trained to teach autistic students, and teachers thought that the new student was just too stupid to be a proper student.
And when the principal told the staff that someone would be coming in to talk to them about the topic of autism, it just ended up being an uninformative PowerPoint with some pamphlets handed out afterwards. The teacher quit after that year. Reddit user: fiannais
Throw That Turnip

When you’re in school, you do what you can to earn some extra cash. During the summer holidays while one student was at university, they picked up a job on a small farm for some extra money. The supervisors of the summer workers were twins and seemed nice enough at first, but then turned into the meanest and most abusive people the student had ever seen.
After a few hours of constant abuse from the supervisors, the student saw grown men break down and cry. The student had had enough and, when the supervisors’ backs were turned, threw a freshly picked turnip at one of them. The supervisor let out a massive screech.
Then all the other workers began to throw turnips at the supervisors, and the place erupted into one massive turnip fight. The student was, of course, immediately fired afterwards but never regretted throwing that first turnip. Reddit user: [redacted]
An Eagle To The Face

The unsung heroes of smartphones are the workers who help maintain the cellphone towers around the world that we all depend upon to provide service and data everywhere we go. It’s a hazardous job and not for those with a fear of heights, as the maintenance workers have to climb up well over 1000 feet to get to the tops of the towers.
One cellphone tower maintenance guy was climbing to the top of a tower when he encountered a large bird’s nest. Unfortunately for him, it ended up being the nest of an eagle that, when it returned, promptly attacked him (eagles are notoriously aggressive and territorial). After nearly falling to his death from 1200 feet because of an eagle attack, the guy decided that maybe it wasn’t the job for him. Reddit user: OGEspy117
A Saw and a Hammer

One security officer encountered a bizarre and unexpected situation. He was also working as a parking warden when he came across a van parked on the street with an expired registration. Walking over to the van, the security officer tried to verbally talk to the van driver and just give him a warning in case he hadn’t realized his registration was expired.
The van driver immediately became confrontational and, before the security officer could even get a word in edgewise, told him that he’d bash his head in if he touched the van. Still trying to be friendly, the security officer tried to explain that the registration was expired.
Wordless, the van driver got out of the van wielding a sledgehammer, accompanied by two more men who got out of the back of the van holding a saw and a hammer between them. The security officer did the sensible thing and quickly left. Reddit user: Folirant
Bring in The Llama Truck

Apparently, U-Haul workers see strange things. Like a dead llama. One U-Haul employee had someone return a truck to their store only to find a dead llama in the back. And, to give more context, apparently the truck hadn’t even been properly rented out—it had been stolen from a store about a month before in a completely different state and then simply left on the lot at the employee’s store.
When a random truck magically appeared at his store with a dead and rotting llama in the back, the employee called both animal control and the police to deal with the situation. As if that weren’t horrifying enough, the company wanted the truck cleaned immediately so that it could be rented out the next day. So, someone out there drove a U-Haul that had a dead llama in the back not 24 hours before. Reddit user: bunnysuitman
The Old Fish

Some people just can’t appreciate nice things. While working at a fast food restaurant, an employee noticed that some fish was about to expire when he went to make someone’s fish sandwich. Deciding to throw the old fish out and cook more, the customer was told to park his car and wait because they wanted to make sure that he got fresh fish.
In less than two minutes, the customer came storming in and threatened physical violence because other customers in the drive-thru had gotten their food and he hadn’t. The manager of the store tried to explain to the guy that they were making him a fresh batch of fish for his sandwich, but to no avail. The customer yelled some more before leaving, not even waiting for the food that he had ordered. Reddit user: Davran
Bringing Down a Curse

Some people just can’t take “no” for an answer. One person used to work at an auto insurance company when a lady called to remove her son from her insurance policy. Since her son had come up through the consumer report system, the company needed signed paperwork to remove him, per corporate policy.
The lady began to get upset and proceeded to tell the person that her son was autistic and that he should not have been added to the policy in the first place.Things got more and more uncomfortable as the employee tried to keep their cool. After the employee continued to refuse backing down, the lady proceeded to yell and curse at the employee.
And not just casual cursing, but cursing in the literal, medieval sense of the word. Things like “I curse you! I hope you have an autistic son! So you know what we go through every day! I curse you and your family! You will suffer the same as me!” Reddit user: ivan3345
Scared For Her Life

One person tells the story of how they used to work as a night shift manager at a Walgreens. While on their way to work (they walked), an older lady blew past a stop sign and hit them. Fortunately, the person did the tuck and roll and only ended up really hurting their wrist.
Then the police showed up and wanted the run-over employee to step aside and put their hands up. When he couldn’t get one of his arms up, he tried to explain that he had just gotten hit by a car. Upon hearing this, the police asked the run-over person if he had hurt anyone. Confused, the police explained to him that the lady who had hit him called the police because she saw him swearing after she hit him and was “scared for her life”…never mind why he was yelling profanities in the first place.
After finally getting the story straight with the police, the employee decided to go home and call Walgreens to tell them that he couldn’t work that night. The next day, the store’s boss told the employee off because it was such an “inconvenience” for someone else to come in the night before. Reddit user: ManWhoKnocks
Are You Staring?

Some people are overly aggressive for no apparent reason. A movie theatrer manager received a complaint and went to the particular auditorium in question to try sorting things out. As they tried to look around to see what the problem was, a man got up and confronted the manager, asking him why he was staring at his girlfriend.
Understandably confused, the manager told him that he wasn’t staring at anyone’s girlfriend and was here because there had been a reported problem.The man got even more aggressive and began to shout at the manager for supposedly staring at his girlfriend.
This was in the middle of a full auditorium where people were trying to watch a movie. Long story short, the manager ended up in the lobby as the angry man continued to yell at him. The man’s girlfriend even joined in and demanded an apology. Reddit user: [redacted]
I Don’t Need It

Particularly unreasonable customers can interpret customer service as a “do everything for me” service. A particularly difficult customer at a bank wanted the bank to research a check he had written over three years ago (he couldn’t even remember the date or the amount, which would make it nearly impossible to locate).
The bank employee working with him tried to politely decline because, well, they couldn’t really do anything without more information.The customer immediately went off on the employee, spoke to her manager, and insisted that they find the check in question.
After several hours of looking fruitlessly through records, the employee’s manager found the check by accident—the customer had given them the completely wrong year—and called the customer back. The customer told them, “Oh, never mind. I didn’t actually need the information” and hung up. Reddit user: isolateNmedicate
Forget The Kid

Employers are usually more understanding when employees with children have an emergency come up where their children need them. But not all of them. One mother worked in a financial services office in California where the boss never showed up because he’d be at the beach or someplace else (he was wealthy and also unmarried).
One day, the mother received a call from daycare that her oldest daughter was running a temperature and needed to be picked up. The mother told her boss that she needed to leave for an hour to pick up her sick child. He immediately threw a fit and told her that she couldn’t leave because she needed to get her work done.
Well, there weren’t any customers that day, and there was another person in the office as well, so the mother told the boss that she was leaving. He continued yelling at her as she walked out the door. He called her at home afterward, and she told him that she quit. Reddit user: chrisisanangel
He Wants Eggs, Right Now

Hampton Inn, for those who may not know, is under the Hilton brand and, as such, is also a participant in the Hilton Honors program. The top tier of Hilton Honors members are Diamond members. One Hampton Inn receptionist would regularly have Diamond members calling on weekends and demanding a room the same day, despite not having made reservations.
After refusing, many of them would yell at her because they thought that they were entitled to free rooms as Diamond members. The same receptionist had a Diamond member staying at the hotel when he filed a complaint that the eggs at the free breakfast bar were taking too long. The receptionist told him that he should tell the breakfast attendant if there was a problem with the eggs.
The customer threw a fit and wanted a discount on his room bill because he had waited 20 minutes for some eggs. When the receptionist refused, he threatened to complain to management to get her fired. To which the receptionist replied, “Don’t worry, I’m going to go ahead and quit because of people like you.” Reddit user: jabe25
Petty Theft

Retail workers shouldn’t expect to be physically assaulted by customers, but sometimes they are. One retail worker was working at Claire’s when she saw some teenagers put earrings in their purse that they hadn’t paid for. The employee’s manager told her to keep an eye on them while she was busy ringing up another customer.
The customer overheard and started telling them that they were racist because the manager had told an employee to keep an eye on the teenagers. Soon, the entire store—including the teenagers—had ganged up on the two employees and were yelling at them. The manager tried to explain that the product had been fully concealed which, by company policy, was not allowed because of shoplifting policies.
Things escalated, and the customers threatened to beat the employees up and began throwing things at them and trashing the store. When security finally showed up, both employees wanted to punch the customer who had started it all. Reddit user: rissanicole89
Looking Down The Barrel

It’s not every day a pizza delivery person gets a gun pulled on them, but this girl did. While out delivering pizzas, the delivery girl knocked on a door only to have it open with a man pointing a gun at her. Of course, the delivery girl was scared out of her mind and told the guy to “just take the pizza.”
Then the guy’s girlfriend showed up at the door and explained that she had ordered pizza and hadn’t told her gun-wielding boyfriend. The man laughed and put his gun away, telling his girlfriend to tell him next time so that he wouldn’t try shooting any other pizza ladies. The terrified delivery driver went back to her store and told the manager what happened and, for some reason, didn’t quit there and then. Reddit user: Shayla06
The Vanilla Mocha

Independent coffee shops can be notorious for the coffee snobs that frequent them. One barista worked at a local independent coffee shop that sold specialty coffees and even roasted their own beans when they had an encounter with a customer who thought he knew a lot about coffee.
The customer came up to the counter and asked, “Do you know how to make a mocha?”The barista replied that, of course, all baristas know how to make mochas. The customer then told her, “Well, you know, it’s supposed to be a cold drink.” Trying to smile, the barista replied, “So, you’d like an iced mocha latte?”
The customer then asked the barista what flavors a mocha came in. The barista tried to explain to him that, by definition, a mocha is chocolate mixed with coffee. Annoyed, the customer said that he didn’t want chocolate, he wanted vanilla. “Give me a vanilla mocha.” Reddit user: [redacted]
When The Light’s Off

The Krispy Kreme vs. Dunkin’ Donuts debate is real, but when the first Krispy Kreme came to the West Coast, people went crazy and would come from hundreds of miles away just to get a Krispy Kreme donut, especially during hot light time (for those who may not know, the “hot light” at Krispy Kreme is when they’re making fresh donuts and you can get one hot off of the conveyor line).
While working at this new Krispy Kreme shop, an employee had a lady go ballistic when she was served room-temperature donuts. When she complained, the employee tried to explain to her that the light wasn’t on and that there weren’t any hot donuts; they couldn’t start up the conveyor line just for one customer. The lady ended up throwing her donuts at the employee and leaving. Reddit user: lpkitten
No More Books

If you’ve been to college, you may be familiar with the buyback concept where college bookstores will buy books back in order to resell them to other students, but only books that can actually be resold. One cashier at a college bookstore had a customer who wanted to sell his book, but it was a book that the store never bought back.
The cashier explained that she couldn’t take his book, and the customer began yelling at her. The customer’s yelling escalated, and he began swearing at the cashier. Finally fed up, the cashier snapped back at him and told him that the store didn’t want his book and that he should just leave. After arguing with the customer for a while longer, the cashier left and told her manager that she quit. Reddit user: Gneissisnice
Baking Cookies

A baker was working in the bakery department for a family-owned grocery store in a rich, predominantly white suburban neighborhood. One day, a mom come in and flipped out because the bakery didn’t have any chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate chip cookies were the only kind of cookie that she could bring to her kid’s class for the class party.
Eventually, the lady left the bakery and bought several tubes of Pillsbury cookie dough. But then she came back to the bakery department and demanded that the bakers make the cookies for her in the bakery ovens. When they initially refused, the lady threw another fit because she apparently couldn’t figure out how to use her oven at home and didn’t even know how to follow the basic instructions on the cookie dough packaging. Reddit user: flyersneversaydie
Tasting The Handrails

Disney World sounds great in theory, but in reality it tends to be an ordeal for both customers and employees alike. One Disney employee spent her year working at Disney being regularly told off by people that she had personally ruined their vacations because the lines were too long and she wouldn’t let them cut ahead of other people.
The employee also had parents yell at her because she told their small child not to lick the handrails. And it wasn’t even a casual case of licking the handrail. The small child actually stuck his tongue on one end and then ran the entire 40-foot length to the other end, all while his tongue was on the handrail. Reddit user: Tauge
Tricking The Chef

While working at a nice dine-in restaurant, a waitress had a lady complain that her steak was overdone. The waitress apologized, took the steak back, and even asked the kitchen manager to cook it himself to ensure that the steak was cooked at the correct temperature. 15 minutes after the steak was sent out the second time on its hot cast iron pan, the woman complained again that the steak was well done.
Upon further inspection, the waitress saw that the lady had actually cut down the middle of the steak and seared each side on the hot cast iron pan to make it look like it was well done and overcooked. The manager was furious when they realized what the lady had done and refused to give another steak to her. Reddit user: mkjo0617
Well That Was Awkward

One employee had the tremendously awkward misfortunate of watching their boss get caught by his wife for cheating. The owner of a small local business had been having an affair with an employee for a while. One day, the boss and his mistress went out for lunch when the boss’s wife showed up at the store.
When the employee told her that her husband was out, the wife said that she’d wait for him. Needless to say, upon the boss’s return, an incredible explosion of drama took place between him and his wife. The hapless employee was trapped in the store while the couple screamed at each other but eventually managed to escape after an exceptionally uncomfortable hour of watching the fight. Reddit user: nebodee