People Share What It Was Like To Go To School With A Celebrity

Celebrities seem like aliens, in a sense, when they’re on TV. They have million-dollar smiles, picture-perfect bodies, and more often than seems not, truly great hair. These superstars are almost not human. However, in reality, they’re simply actual, real, regular people who put their pants on one leg at a time (if they wear pants).
Way before all of that fame and fortune, celebs went to middle school, talked on the phone with friends, and even went to random basement parties. So just because they make tons of money and grace the covers of magazines doesn’t mean they aren’t normal people.
From athletes and musicians, to actors and models, celebs at one point or another almost all attended a typical school for kids. Some went to charter or private, but an overwhelming number of celebs went to public schools. All these years later, their former schoolmates have loved to recount how they really acted back in the day in school, long before they were famous…
I was in French class with him in either 10th or 11th grade. I was pretty lousy at French, and I don’t remember him paying too much attention to the subject, either. Then again, I remember little of those days, since it was over 20 years ago. I can vouch for his having been really funny though; he had the whole class totally losing it on more than one occasion….

It’s just a shame that his life ended so early. Tupac was not only very young but in the prime of his rapping career. Even though he had both fans and haters, he did have some great words that he was able to express to the world. Too bad it didn’t end differently for this lively class clown that had everyone laughing.
Kate Upton
I didn’t go to high school but did ballet and horseback riding with Kate Upton before she moved to Florida. We kept in touch through letters. I lost touch with her right after she was named rookie of the year for Sports Illustrated because she just got way too busy. Total sweetheart, though; always knew she was going to be famous, be it through her looks or her horses….

Naturally, it was her looks that took this girl-next-door to superstardom. Well, maybe not quite the typical girl, considering her ballet and horseback riding talents. Kate Upton is known all over the world for her beauty, mostly thanks to her work in the Sports Illustrated magazine. More recently, she got married and had a child who will most likely be equally beautiful and famous.
Taylor Lautner
I went to high school with Taylor Lautner. The kid was an attention-seeking jerk. He once wore a dog suit backward to school with the tail hanging at his crotch. However, I also know someone who once pushed him into a fountain at the mall. Taylor and my friend Sean used to be friends, but Taylor started getting a big head because he was about to be in Twilight….

They were having a verbal argument at the mall. Things escalated, and Sean shoved him, and he tripped into the fountain. In the end, Taylor did get pretty big thanks to his movies, but that didn’t give him the right to turn all crazy on his friends and think he’s bigger and better than everyone. It’s not like he’s really a werewolf in real life.
Taylor Swift
I went to high school with Taylor Swift. I had a few classes with her but honestly didn’t know her really well. She played in the school talent show freshman year before she got popular and did that Tim McGraw song. I remember, when she did make it, CMT would come to the school all the time to film her and her friends….

She was actually really nice to people and made everyone feel welcome. I also had Driver’s Ed with her. She was very witty and smart. I was coming back from a mission trip to Mexico and saw her at the Texas airport, so I went up to her and said, “Hi, Taylor!” Because we have the same name, she said, “Hi, Taylor!” back.
Donald Trump, Jr.
I went to the Hill School in ’94-’95 while Donald Trump, Jr. was there. He was a big-headed and judgmental jerk who ran with a posse of sycophants of his choosing and who also always paid his way for him. The dude never seemed to pay his own way. He also bagged his share of girls from the all-girl schools who would get bussed in for our dances….

The one negative encounter that comes to mind each time I see his smug face on TV is when that jerk criticized my choice in hats. You see, I fancied myself a skate punk in the early to late ’90s. I had decided to get a straw golf hat and safety pin it up all Australian-like on one side and festoon it with a band made from a cut-up school tie. Anyway, he sees me rollin’, he hatin’, and he yells out, “Hey, that’s not a skater hat!”
Margot Robbie
My partner was in the same grade/school as Margot Robbie. It’s very weird to see how popular she is and think of how few degrees of separation there once were. His sister also did musicals with her. Apparently, she was known for being pretty and somewhat popular, but not one of the super-popular people that everyone went crazy for during school productions (in some of the productions, people would cheer when the well-known, charismatic people appeared on stage)….

There are these back story rumors that say she was so into Harry Potter that she wore glasses to look like him, but both my partner and sister are like, “No, that’s not true.” So I think she has these origin stories that are trying to make her seem more relatable to geekier fans of hers, but it’s all just promo stuff to make her seem more relatable.
LeBron James
I went to high school with LeBron James. In high school, he was pretty humble and down to earth, even when he (and the rest of the school) knew he was going to be an NBA superstar. He kept his class and played it cool through graduation. His ego didn’t blow up until after high school at all, either. Not like some other athletes and celebs….

LeBron James was born in 1984 and already earned over $35 million. He married his high school sweetheart Savannah. They now have three children together. For an athlete, he doesn’t have a bunch of side chicks, baby mommas, and so on. LeBron stayed with the same girl and made a family, and that really shows his true character, regardless of his talented basketball skills.
Lauren Conrad and Kristen Cutler
I went to Laguna Beach High School while MTV was filming ‘Laguna Beach’ (which we all thought was going to be ‘True Life, The Real OC’ but didn’t quite work out that way). Anyway. I was a few grades below all those kids on the show. It’s funny that Lauren Conrad was cast as the nice girl, because she was one of the biggest jerks of them all….

She was always super, super popular, though. She’s been able to make a nice little career for herself off of being America’s Sweetheart. Kristin Cav (Cutler now?) was okay but slept around a lot. She and her friends in 8th grade called themselves “the six-pack girls,” which meant they would do anything for a six-pack of beer. I’ve personally witnessed her making out with girls at parties for attention.
Katie Holmes
Katie Holmes went to my Catholic all-girls high school. Apparently, she was nasty and a trouble maker, and whenever we asked any of our teachers about her, most of them said, “I’m sorry, but we’re not allowed to talk about her.” Also, it’s rumored that she hated our school so much because of the nuns who disciplined her that she donated a large sum to our rival school out of spite….

My drama teacher said she was terrible at acting. Yes, isn’t that just hilarious! Obviously, the joke is on the nuns, because Katie Holmes went on to become a famous actress. She’s still in the spotlight today, and I think it’s just great she donated to the other school, because those nuns were pretty ruthless, to say the least.
Emily Ratajkowski
I was roommates with Emily Ratajkowski for a 5-week art program. It was in San Francisco, I was 17, and she was 16; we shared a bunk bed and dorm room. She was nice, a great artist, kind of valley girl-ish, but pretty down to earth actually and a very pretty girl. She actually had kind of a tough time making friends within the program, like she wasn’t interested in doing so….

She had a skate rat boyfriend from back home who came to San Francisco during the program, so she kind of just did her own thing with him all the time. We had a conversation once where she said she couldn’t really decide whether she wanted to pursue modeling or art. She was doing some modeling in those days, I think for Forever 21 or something, but her dad is an art teacher, so she grew up making art.
Demi Lovato
Yes, the infamous Demi Lovato was in the grade below me in middle school, then moved to Hollywood just before high school. She was a real jerk and a half: definitely the biggest mean girl of her grade. I don’t really understand why she goes into interviews saying she was bullied so badly; it was her doing all the terrorizing….

Nowadays, though, she does seem to be struggling with both mental health and addiction problems. Hopefully she gets better and feels good about herself finally. Maybe it’s karma for all of the stuff she did to other people, but nobody deserves that, not even her. It’s just another reminder to people not to dish out what you can’t take yourself.
Zack Synder
Well, he was really passionate about wanting to make movies. He acted in plays; he loved strong, almost exaggerated characters and representations. He was very much about iconic, dramatic portrayals. He acted like he was already headed to being a famous, successful director. He was into Culture Club, despite being a very straight guy. I ran into him again in LA, where he was still studying and trying to get into the business….

We went shooting at a range and played paintball. His passion for cinema did not dull, but I could tell he was a little frustrated by how difficult it can be to ‘get in’ the industry. Then he made 300. I didn’t even realize it was him until after seeing it on satellite at a friend’s place about a year after it was in the theater, and I about fell off my chair.
Robert Downey, Jr.
I went to junior high school with Robert Downey, Jr. He was very, very much like many of the characters that he often plays in movies: always trying to make the quick joke. Sometimes I can’t separate his character (especially in his early movies) from the kid I knew in JHS because that’s exactly the way he acted back then….

We were in a drama class together, and the teacher used to make a joke where he wondered why Downey was here in the class, adding that his father was going to get him a bunch of jobs through his connections. One time, he got the wind kicked out of him by another kid for dating a girl the other kid liked. I went to school with Diane Lane (who no one liked) and Jon Cryer, who was a really nice kid.
Halsey is horrible. She was horrible at school. She’s horrible now. Constantly trying to be the center of attention, had to be right no matter what, got a great teacher fired because she didn’t like that he would ignore her, stole a sweatshirt…I could go on. So the main thing was that she was very much a face and opinion but had no real substance as a person….

She continually would rant and rave about things that didn’t matter. The best way I can describe it is that she was Tumblr personified. So many unsubstantiated accusations and claims of being oppressed. She, at one point, was in an interview that she said she was ‘bullied’ and that her dad left when she was young.
To the best of my knowledge, her dad is a local cop, and if I were to assign anything to her, it would be ‘bully’ and not ‘bullied.’ She also repeatedly said she didn’t understand how anyone in the school felt bullied because everyone gets along. She was always the girl crying wolf and usually instigated everything. Maybe she was just mean to the people around me.
Chloe Bennet
One of the stars of Agents of Shield, Chloe Bennet, went to school with me. She, of course, changed her name once she got famous (was born Chloé Wang). In person, she was gorgeous and became the most popular girl in the school since day one of freshman year. She was actually very nice, and I never saw her be mean to anybody….

I hung out with her in a group of friends after school a few times. She did have a lot of friends who were older sketchy drug dealers that didn’t go to our school. I sat behind her in geometry, and let’s just say brains were not her strong suit. After our sophomore year, she left school and became a Chinese pop star for a hot second (funded by her rich father), and now she’s part of the Marvel universe.
Jon Stewart
My aunt dated and lived with Jon Stewart for a few years before he was famous (while he was well known in NYC for performing in comedy clubs). They’re still close friends. I met him, and he’s pretty awesome. She said that he is a total workaholic, more than anyone realizes. Like sleep in his office type of workaholic. Also, he reads every book that he discusses on his show in full….

So he spends several hours per day reading. He got us VIP tickets to see both his show and Colbert a number of times, and I was surprised that each film their shows in pretty much one take. But that is how you do it when you are a professional. He definitely made it all the way and found himself some great success.
Lil B
I’ve known Brandon McCartney (Lil B, the rapper) for a long time. He and I shared a really good mutual friend, and we became friends pretty quickly. From about 10 to 14 years old, we hung out daily. He’s a really nice dude and super goofy. One day, when we were like 13, after staying the night at his house, his mom refused to let us leave the house until we each had at least a liter of water and had to eat this huge bag of grapes….

It was at least a pound. We were full of Captain Crunch, and we couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. It took us about 45 minutes to eat all the grapes. We felt disgusting. I don’t see him much anymore, but it’s become a custom of mine to tease him about his nickname.
About a year ago, when he was presenting at the MTV Woodies Awards, I randomly decided to text him. I turned on the TV, and I saw he was presenting an award to Matt and Kim, who went nuts on stage. I asked him why he didn’t mention that he was at the awards, and all he said was, “I’m stressing out bro, I’m surrounded by all these crazy white people.”
Miranda Kerr
The typical popular pretty girl who tried hard and had everyone fawn over her. Basically, the perfect poster child and good girl who did whatever she was asked. I mean that with no disrespect intended. Her parents, on the other hand, are attention seekers, and I have no respect for them. They moved the family across the country for her ‘career’ when she was still quite young, without much care-factor for her childhood and even less care-factor for her younger brother, who has struggled a lot in life living in her shadow….

She was doing magazine shoots at 14 and being heavily made up and posed in skimpy outfits. There was quite a bit of uproar locally, with people asking the question of whether it was borderline pedo stuff because she was just so young, but they were making her up to be so much older because she was so tall and skinny with such big eyes and lips.
It seemed they were sexualizing a girl who wasn’t even in the area of the legal age of consent, and it always seemed off that a parent would allow that. Anyway, the parents basically made it all about her, and they pinned everything on her gaining success at whatever cost. The parents were quite controlling and only gave the brother half glances in life.
Rob Schneider
According to legend, my mom’s friends strung Rob Schneider’s underwear up a flag pole at their band camp when he was a freshman. I brought it up with him a few years back when he was visiting the town, and he jokingly scolded me for “bringing up that painful memory.” In high school, he was supposedly a dorky, goofy, kind of annoying but lovable kid….

From my own experiences more recently, he’s silly and loves to make jokes and everything, but mostly he’s just laid back and very kind. This famous actor even funded our town’s band program and tries to come home for concerts and to stop by and say hello once in a while. He’s a real genuine good guy from what I know about him.
Miranda Lambert
I attended the same high school as Miranda Lambert. My now girlfriend played drums for one of her early local performances. She said she was really conceited and didn’t take well to people complimenting her (my girlfriend) and the other non-singing performers. On a separate thought, my girlfriend went to high school with Kacey Musgraves at a nearby high school….

My girlfriend’s sister used to have sleepovers and such with their friend group. She said that Kacey would always use her friends as a way to prop herself up, i.e., making jokes and little side comments at their expense. Maybe the country superstar was self-conscious at the time, and it made herself feel better, or maybe she was just a mean girl.
Matt Ryan
I went to college with Matt Ryan. He’s getting a lot of national attention as one of the top NFL MVP candidates. I had a few classes with him. He was an incredibly nice guy. He was also very intelligent. I wasn’t surprised at all when he had one of the top scores (if not the top) in his draft class on the Wonderlic test….

My first class with him was before he won the starting job at Boston College, and my last class with him was after he started getting recognized as a potential NFL-level player. He didn’t change at all. He was always super approachable and kind. I was definitely not at his level in terms of social circles (science dork), yet he still knew my name and would say hi to me unprompted if we crossed paths around campus.
Rebecca Black
Rebecca Black was my ‘little buddy’ when she was in kindergarten and I was in 4th grade. Honestly, she was adorable and very well-spoken and polite for a five-year-old. And I remember for the two other years I went to that elementary school, we still bumped into each other every now and then. She spent most of her time in the library reading….

She kept herself only to a small group of friends. And now we’ve been friends on Facebook for the past two years or so, even before Friday debuted, so it’s safe to say she was a nice girl then and an even sweeter lady now. She probably still likes reading, too, and keeping her circle as small as possible.
Tyler the Creator
In middle school (6th grade), I sat across from Tyler the Creator for one semester, but he was in my class all year long. He was always making stupid jokes (and of course inappropriate jokes here and there). He broke my pen and said I could just buy another one. He was always chatty, talking about his favorite hip-hop artists….

It was the Neptunes and NERD, I believe. Towards the last few days of school, our teacher brought a camcorder to record the class, and he wanted to do a rap battle with another classmate sitting in our group. The entire class roared with laughter, and I wish I could remember why, but the opponent sat down afterward. I didn’t know he was Tyler the Creator until a few years ago and it’s crazy that he’s famous now, but his humor is still intact.
Debby Ryan
We didn’t go to the same high school, but we went to the same church youth group. She was nice, very bubbly (borderline obnoxious), and was involved in a lot of church productions. She even played Mary for Christmas one year. I actually remember overhearing her afterward telling someone how she felt she had played the part so well it brought people to tears, and she found it touching or something….

I thought it was hilarious. I remember when she auditioned for Disney. She wouldn’t stop bragging about it. Our church was in Keller, TX, and I want to say her mom took her to Dallas for it. I remember thinking there was no way she’d land a part for Disney. That’d be like winning the lottery; it just doesn’t happen to people you know. I’m actually pretty proud of how true to her values she seems to have stayed, honestly.
Tyler Joseph
I went to high school with Tyler Joseph, lead singer of Twenty One Pilots. In school, he was an amazing basketball player; he and his brother Zack were known state-wide. He comes from a great family. To be honest, as charismatic as he is, Tyler was relatively quiet back in those days. Then, once his rise to fame happened, he seemed just to be a little more arrogant….

But hey, corruption is a mean disease, and he’s still not a bad guy. If others were in his position, they would be the same way, or maybe even worse. His band is quite famous, but his name is still a common one. But hey, maybe he’s stressed out about it all…and now we all have to go listen to that song.
Amy Poehler
Amy Poehler is from my home town, although about ten years older than me. She was just getting famous from SNL when I was in high school. Her mom taught at my school, but I never had her. She was really well-liked, though. Amy came back and did some cameos in the senior class video a couple of years after I graduated….

All those kids said she was awesome and super nice. She totally didn’t have to go and star in a small-town high school senior comedy sketch video, but she did, and that’s awesome! It’s always nice to give back to your own roots and show other kids anything is possible: even becoming a rich and famous comedian for SNL.
Eddie Robertson
I went to school with Eddie Robertson (of Barenaked Ladies). He was a brilliant and hilarious guy and was friendly with everyone he knew. He was part of the ‘gifted’ program at Woburn Collegiate in Scarborough (a year ahead of me). He was one of the few ‘nerds’ (back in the 1980s when it wasn’t a positive term) that was actually popular with all of the cliques in the school….

He and Steven Page performed together (proto-Barenaked Ladies) at the school talent show at least once. I’m pretty sure that’s where I first heard McDonald’s Girl. He and another student used to be in charge of the music/announcements on the PA before classes started in the morning, and they were very funny. He was just a funny and nice and talented and outgoing teenager who became a funny and nice and talented and outgoing adult.
Brandon Stanton
I went to school with Brandon Stanton, the Humans of New York guy. He absolutely loved being popular. Everything he did was essentially to get and maintain attention. Fairly smart, somewhat funny, a reasonably functioning druggie, and always really loud. After high school, he bounced around for a while. He always talked about writing a book or producing a documentary or something….

Essentially, they were all just different plans for projects that would make him famous. Anyway, he eventually moved to New York and started taking pictures of people, and it took off. It’s a great site, and he probably does more good than most, but it would never have happened if he didn’t love attention and praise from the very beginning.
Ray Fisher
I went to high school and was good friends with Ray Fisher, who plays Cyborg in the Justice League movies. We hung out a lot in our senior year and several years through college. He played a lot of pranks on our statistics teacher. All that enthusiasm he has in interviews and stuff is so real. He’s a great guy….

He’s really down to earth and worked incredibly hard to get where he is. I haven’t seen him since he got the role, but his best friends from high school are still some of his best friends, and he hangs out with them all the time. Justice League is hugely successful and well-known all over the world, but Ray Fisher is a true friend and a one-of-a-kind guy.
Eric Paslay
I went to high school with Eric Paslay, the country music singer. He was a really quiet kid. He had a fun streak and was honestly one of the best musicians at our school. He was good friends with my boyfriend, and so I wound up at his house a couple of times after gigs (he was in a local band, and my boyfriend and I helped him after gigs by playing ‘roadie’ and helping unload equipment….)

He and I weren’t best friends, but our circles crossed a lot. I was a genuine fan of his music and made it out to all of the gigs too. His mom was super nice, and all I can say is I am so glad someone so talented and sincere has found a bit of fame in Nashville. He also used to sing like Dave Matthews, and I still own his first CDs from his local band.
Aziz Ansari
I went to high school with Aziz Ansari. He used to always answer questions wrong in class and try to argue that he was right. Like, if the teacher asked what year America was discovered, he would say 1896 and tell the teacher they were wrong. He would ask for their source and claim the source was unreliable, regardless of what they said….

Eventually, the teachers would ignore him; then, he’d tell me they were racist. I wasn’t sure if he was funny or weird; I guess he was both. And honestly, he seems like he hasn’t changed at all. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. Either way, he definitely made it big and probably still says silly, strange things.
Justin Trudeau
September 11, 2001, I was only 13, but I could tell that this was some serious stuff. My French teacher wasn’t at school that day. Our sub was Mr. Trudeau. So there I am in French class on 9/11 with this sub who says that he’s actually a history and drama teacher, but he’s from Montreal, so he teaches French from time to time….

He wasn’t going to teach us French that day; he wanted to talk about geopolitics, to the extent that 13-year-olds could. He had some thoughts, but he was more concerned with facilitating discussion. Unfortunately, I don’t remember a lot of what was said. Still, I remember that he did want to hear from every student about how they thought it would affect their lives.
Heath Ledger
I went to high school with Heath Ledger. In Guildford Grammar School, we had a ‘house system’ as a way to organize students and have a more engaging mentoring system through seniors and a head teacher. We were in Woodbridge house, one of the ‘day’ houses where the students weren’t staying on campus. Being a year ahead of me, the seniority mentality set in….

He was seen as a jerky senior that would not think twice about beating you up if you were a junior who crossed him. One time, we were playing ping pong at lunch, and I lent him my paddle. One of his friends shoved him as he was taking a shot, and he used my paddle to break his fall. It splintered it to pieces, but he replaced it a week later with the cheapest piece of wood he could find at the local dollar store.
Mark Hamill
My mother dated Mark Hamill’s cousin and indirectly caused the car accident Hamill was in. She convinced her boyfriend to have Mark come to some family reunion or something. I don’t remember the details, and considering my mother, I’d say this story has a chance of being completely true. My mother and uncle were friends with Alexis Denisof growing up, who played Wesley in Buffy and Angel, among other things….

He’s nice and down to earth. The same uncle was roommates or neighbors (I forgot which) with Jason Segal when they were both trying to make it big. Apparently, he’s a great guy and funny. Oh, and my grandmother knew all the great singers of her time: Frank Sinatra, Bobby Darin, and so on. Frank was a jerk, but Bobby was sweet to her.
Miley Cyrus
Two of my friends at college went to school with Miley Cyrus. They said she wasn’t popular or anything. She was on the cheer team and was kind of annoying. They said they remember her coming to school and saying that she had landed her own TV show, but no one believed her. Then she didn’t come back to school, and they were like, “Oh….”

Also, one of my friend’s friends went to school with Emma Watson, and in passing conversation, he said that she was “bizarre.” Not sure what he meant, but I didn’t care enough to ask him to elaborate. In context, it seemed like he was saying that she was kind of in her own celebrity world and didn’t associate with any of them.
Lamar Odom
I went to college with the former NBA player Lamar Odom. The one who married a Kardashian for a little bit. He was a giant jerk back then, though I’ve heard he has gotten his act together before more recent events. He would park his brand new SUV, which ‘coincidentally’ matched the SUV of every other player on the basketball team, very badly….

However, his SUV was slightly different from his customized LOdom license plate. Anyway, he would always park on the sidewalk because he couldn’t be bothered to park anywhere legally. Not only that, but we even spotted a handicapped tag in his car more than once. That’s pretty sad that he can’t just park and walk a short distance to the door.
George R. R. Martin
My cousin went to high school with George R. R. Martin and recalled having a freshman lit class with him. When it was time for everyone to read their stories, George’s was by far the best. Apparently, the entire class simultaneously dropped their jaws. The guy is talented. Oh, and apparently he was your typical nice dude, but that’s not all I learned about him….

He also started a fight club, and his full name is George Raymond Richard Martin, also known as GRRM. This infamous author went on to create epic fantasy novels like The Song of Fire and Ice, which was adapted into the notorious and award-winning HBO series Game of Thrones. I want to know more about that fight club he had in college, though.
Kristen Bell
I was two years behind Kristen Bell at Shrine High School. It was an odd transition seeing someone you vaguely know become famous. Even in high school, she was in regional Rite Aid commercials. That was strange enough. Then my friends started having viewing parties when she’d make an appearance on The Shield or had 10 minutes in a David Mamet movie….

She had a couple of TV movies and then suddenly she was Veronica Mars and a star. My friend and I went to see Pootie Tang on opening day because we heard she was in it. It turns out she had roughly two minutes of screen time during the end credits. And the rest is history for the beloved Frozen Disney star.
Ben McKee
Ben McKee of Imagine Dragons was a goofy music kid. He was nice and mellow, just like how he still seems now. He was one of us California Russian River Rats if you know what I mean. I also went to elementary and middle school with him. He was voted ‘Most Likely To Get Hit By A Parked Car’ in eighth grade….

Any example of how he was goofy happened in junior high. He had a Just Blame It On El Niño shirt in 1996 and asked our eighth-grade first-period math teacher to sing us Lemon Tree. You know, just your typical goofy music kid who eventually became a global singing sensation. Ben McKee is kind of a hero, you could say.
Ellen Page
I went to school with Ellen Page. We were in the same group of friends, went to all the same parties, and ate lunch together. She kept thinking I was calling her ‘Helen’ all the time, which was weird. I’d say, “Hi Ellen, how’s it going?” “My name is Ellen! Not Helen!” she’d say, when I called her that in the first place….

My best friend dated her for a bit, and they were nice together. She’s one of those people who act exactly how you’d expect. She’s a bit timid and shy but nice. Apparently, fame and fortune from Hollywood didn’t change her either, because she still seems that same way today. It’s great that she found success in major hits like Juno and X-Men.