People Share Their Stories Of Immediate Buyer’s Remorse

Have you ever walked out of a store elated, only to find yourself in a funk by the time you get home? Turns out you’re not alone; it’s a pretty common experience. Some people call it buyer’s remorse, and it can come on faster than an unsuspecting wave in an ocean.
You’re excited to finally be getting that thing you’ve wanted, but then the excitement just fizzles away, and you’re left wondering if you really should have spent all that money. Maybe you could have gotten it for less at a different store? Maybe there’s a better version somewhere else?
People have come together to share some hilarious and relatable examples of the times they found themselves regretting buying things, ranging from an exciting new toy to a new house… and everything in between. Some of these instant-regrets are a quite peculiar…
$4000 on a Non-Existent Girlfriend

I once spent $4000 on a diamond necklace because I was too embarrassed to admit that I didn’t have a girlfriend. One evening while at a mall in San Diego, I really needed, I mean really really needed to use the bathroom when this sales girl offered me her store’s bathroom.
When I was done, she asked if I could just listen to a pitch from her boss, since she got a commission for everyone who heard him out. I thought that it was a fair trade for them letting me use their toilet, so I sat down. The pitch was basically that you should buy jewelry because it helps you build credit.
He then asked me who the three most important women in my life are. I said my mom, my sister, and because I couldn’t think of a third, I said, “my girlfriend.” I ended up spinning a web of lies which led me to look around for something for her for our “one year anniversary….” I just decided to commit to it and get the necklace. I also got a watch for free. I like the watch, but it’s probably worth 1/10th the price of the necklace. Reddit User: GreenShield42
My Crazy Roommate

My crazy roommate came home one night, extremely drunk. I saw that he had a rabbit in his hands when he walked in. It was from PetCo. It would have made more sense if he got it for free in a “we have too many rabbits, please take one of our rabbits” kind of situation.
But no, that wasn’t what had happened…What he ended up doing was that he walked into a PetCo while he was intoxicated and just decided to purchase a rabbit. He later found out over the next day or so that he was allergic to rabbits. Reddit User: [redacted]
$300 on a Tree

I bought a bonsai tree for $100 at this Japanese bonsai show that I attended with a friend. It was a beautiful tree. Along with the tree, I also bought a maintenance kit for $50, and I was really excited about it. Two months into it, panic sets in as the leaves begin to fall off.
The trunk also begins to wither away….I take it to a bonsai specialist, where I paid $150 for him to nurse it back to health. It started to look better, so I brought it home. I followed the instructions to a T, then 3 months later, the tree was dead. Reddit User: [redacted]
Does Anyone Really Need a Quadcopter?

All I wanted was to join the drone frenzy and take some cool aerial videos. I went out and found what I thought was a good deal; I got a quadcopter for just $200. For those who don’t know, they can go as high as $7,500. Unfortunately, the quad’s fan started to die off just a few days later, and I was left grounded, once again….
I didn’t want to give up just yet though, so I ended up throwing some more money at the problem and bought new motors. Still nothing was working! Turns out the version I got was junk and I had just wasted all my money on it. Reddit user: wildgurularry
Learning The Hard Way

I was traveling with friends, specifically in China Town, New York, where they sell knock-off designer goods. While all my friends bought purses and similar things for their girlfriends, I was like, “I wanna do something creative.” That’s when I saw a vendor selling little miniature turtles….
They came in groups of three. My mother, who was also in New York, flew them home for me. I called my girlfriend and said, “Everyone is buying their girlfriends purses but that’s lame, so guess what I got you! A bunch of turtles, and they’re awesome!”
But I had no idea what I was in for….They smelled pretty awful, and they were very hard to take care of. I decided to release them in the park, but when I did, they died by walking straight into the lake and sinking to the bottom. Reddit User: cornnndog
19 and Making Bad Decisions

I decided to get a new car because I was sick of all the repairs I kept having to do, as well as the appearance of my old car. I bought a new car, and I was extremely happy with it. A year later, I got a call from the sales guy saying they could put me in an even better car.
It would just be like $20 more per month….I jumped at the offer, but what ended up happening was they (the company) rolled over my loan into the new one, fine. Then they increased the interest rate, and then made it a 72-month plan instead of 60.
So the payment barely went up and I was in a better car. Well, that’s what they said…Now several years later, I owe about $17,000 for a car that is worth only about $12,000. Don’t make big financial decisions when you’re 19, folks. Reddit User: catfroman
My New Lawn Mower

I got so tired of having to pay for my lawn being mowed all the time, so I had this brilliant idea. I decided that I would buy a live sheep to eat/cut the grass in my yard. It would be kind-of lawnmower substitute. But things went sideways so quickly.
I’m still confused about it. After exactly one day, I kid you not, that animal gets sick and dies….I’m not sure what happened or how it happened, but I was extremely upset that this happened under my watch. It was a total ripoff. Reddit User: [redacted]

I bought an expensive vase; you know, one of those brands with a fancy name. It was close to a thousand dollars to buy, but at the time, I really thought that it would improve my aesthetic. The quality of the vase was awesome, but I quickly came to the realization that I wasted $1000….
My new vase wasn’t going to “work” any better than the plastic one that I had made using PVC in my garage. And, as if that wasn’t bad enough, my pet cat wound up knocking it over and shattering the vase just 3 months after I bought it. Reddit User: [redacted]
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel… Or The Tire Pressure Gauge

I thought I was so clever when I went out and bought a fancy new tire pressure gauge. This one, unlike every other one I’d ever owned, was digital. So I was more than impressed with myself on my recent find. Sadly, it was a dud, and I couldn’t get it to work at all.
So I did not get an upgrade from my trusty old analog one; it was quite the opposite actually. I spent quite a bit of money on the new pressure gauge, too. Boy did I feel like a real fool. I won’t make that mistake again! Reddit User: Paragraph_Appraiser
Divorce Gets in The Way of Travel

I was super excited to travel the world with the new travel club membership I had recently purchased. I had dreams of going all over the place. Little did I realize just how many trips I’d have to take to make the cost worthwhile. Who on earth pre-pays for 15 vacations?
I had barely finished my second when my wife and I divorced….I definitely didn’t see that one coming. But losing thousands of dollars on top of the divorce really added insult to injury. It’s my own fault for not doing the math. Reddit User: 03throwaway03
It Ain’t Fun

I don’t think that there is anyone out there who wants to end up getting addicted to cigarettes. But I guess people don’t think about those things when they’re young and they decide to go and buy their first pack. I know that I sure didn’t think it through.
It’s been years since I smoked my first cigarette, and I still can’t quit….I’ve tried virtually everything out there, from patches to gum. There’s never been a purchase I’ve regretted so thoroughly. It’s such a money sink. Reddit User: chrisdelaris
The World Doesn’t Need More Lawyers

I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but I didn’t really reckon with the fact that I would end up owing almost $30,000 in student loans after more than a decade of paying my initial school loan down. And to top it off, I don’t even like being a lawyer.
Now I’m stuck in a profession I hate, saddled with debt, and have no escape option….To whoever who is reading this, definitely make sure you want a career before paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of pursuing it! I wish I did. Reddit User: Synthwoven
This Vacuum Cleaner Sucks

Or what I should have said instead of the title, it doesn’t suck! I bought a supposedly top-of-the-line (and very pricey) vacuum cleaner from Sears, and once I got home, unboxed it, and plugged it in, I realized it does nothing to remove my cat’s hair from our furniture.
To make matters worse, the motor didn’t even last a year before completely breaking down. I would say the vacuum sucked, but the problem was that it didn’t. Sears, of course, didn’t honor the warranty, so the entire purchase was a waste. Reddit User: Back2Bach
This Is One Role Nobody Wants To Play

I thought I wanted to be a LARPer (that’s Live Action Roleplaying for all you normies out there). So what did I decide to do? I spent $600 on an elaborate costume, and I was so excited to show off my creativity and my skills as that particular character.
Sadly, I got into a bit of a tiff with the costuming group I was a part of…. We had entirely split ways by the time my gear arrived, so I had just wasted all of my money. Eventually, I got back into the game but had long since sold the costume by then. What a shame! Reddit User: Arch27
If You Like It, Maybe Don’t Put a Ring on It

I’ve learned a valuable life lesson, and even though it was the hard way. But at least I know better now. So what did I learn from my experience? That not everyone should get married. I thought I loved my significant other, so I proposed and bought her a ring.
It ended up being the worst decision of my life….I regret everything, from spending so much money on the ring to walking down the aisle. Seriously, make sure that you think before you take that leap, boys! Sometimes, there’s no turning back. Reddit User: spurrit
Chocolate and Green Tea Do Not Go Together

This one should go down in the pantheon of worst flavor combinations in the history of the world. I was feeling experimental one day, so I bought a green tea/matcha-flavored KitKat bar. They had come out with them a few months ago, and I always wondered what they tasted like but never had the guts to try them….
When I got around to finally tasting it for the first time, it was just plain awful! Even after just one bite, I knew I couldn’t finish the whole candy bar. I don’t think I’ve ever in my life felt so bad about spending $5. Reddit User: SuperActiveJellyfish
Less Than Exciting

I thought that buying an airsoft gun would be a great decision. As it turns out, most of the people who I ended up playing with were one of two things; either they’re boring people or happen to be very annoying! The airsoft group I joined happened to be full of kids and people role-playing as if they were actually in the military….
I think I ended up using the thing like a grand total of two times, max. My young nephew was really the only one who enjoyed it. I definitely think that I should have gotten that hunting bow I’d been eyeing instead of this one. Reddit User: Unterkrainer
Lights Out on Solar Panels

I love the environment and am always thinking about conservation, so I decided to do my part by spending $30,000 on a solar panel. Great idea, right? No, it barely provided any power to the house! We could turn on two light bulbs at the same time…and nothing more.
To make matters worse, we could only do it during the day, since we didn’t have a battery to store power for outages, or even for darker hours….For those thinking about wanting to make the change, if you’re going to get one of these, make sure you do your research. Another tip is to take advantage of any government tax credits you can find. Reddit User: NeedsMoreTuba
Exercise Machines Don’t Fix Laziness

I actually was one of those suckers that believed the many advertisements that said that buying a Peloton bicycle would make me work out more. I saw the ads every day, so I thought to myself, “Hey, why not get it?” I mean, sure, the bike looks cool.
But I quickly realized that I’m still the same lazy person who didn’t work out before buying one of these machines….I also realized that there’s nothing that an expensive purchase can do to fix that. Sure there are online groups that seem really into it, but I can’t get on board for some reason. Oh well! Reddit User: nensj
What a Prissy Pooch

I bought my dog an extremely fancy kennel after eyeing it for months. But guess what he never uses to sleep in: that kennel. My dog prefers to sleep in front of my door, on the floor! I know that there are some people who use the kennels as training tools.
But for me, I just wanted my dog to have somewhere comfy to sleep….I was horrified that my pooch preferred to sleep on the floor as opposed to the fancy Tempur-pedic kennel. I guess this one you’d have to file under a major bust! Reddit User: paaaatch
Human Shock Collar: Bad Idea!

I essentially bought a human version of a shock collar for myself. I know it sounds dumb and strange, but I felt like I needed it because I really wanted to break some bad habits. I quickly found out that you have to manually press the button to shock yourself.
Why? Because the bracelet I bought doesn’t do it automatically….Obviously I’m not going to punish myself for doing what I want to do. Who would willingly inflict pain on themselves? This one went into the garbage after just a week. Reddit User: JustWaggs
Eggs Are Simple; Cooking Them Should Be Too

I once bought an appliance called an egg cooker, despite the fact that I already own a full kitchen of traditional appliances (like pots, pans, an oven, microwaves, toaster oven, etc). After a while, I realized that I never really use it for making eggs.
It turns out that the old fashioned ways of cooking eggs are just easier, to be honest….Not only that, but it is also more natural, and it produces much better tasting eggs! This egg cooker thing is just a sad way to poach eggs! Reddit User: sadiegal66
Can I Return My Kid?

I didn’t buy anything, but I honestly regret having a child. I know that it seems like a harsh thing to say, and I hate to admit it. But I should have thought twice before deciding to have a baby! I just didn’t realize what I was getting myself into at the time.
It’s a bit too much for me to handle….Of course, I love my son, more than anything or anyone in this world, but sometimes he drives me crazy and there’s no buyer’s regret in the world that can top my feelings in those moments. Reddit User: thatSantaDucky
My Yeti Isn’t Cold Enough!

Remember those Yeti coolers that reportedly would be able to keep ice for like 5-7 days? Well they don’t work and they’re a ripoff, and I’m not the only person who thinks so. When you see them in person, they look so cool, chic, and functional.
But once you buy one for yourself, you learn the truth and see how disappointing it is….I quickly realized that they’re heavy and barely have sufficient insulation for a hot afternoon. Consider this your warning; don’t make the same mistake I did! Reddit User: osu2008o
Keyboards That Don’t Make Music

For some time, I’d been eyeing this particular keyboard, and finally, I had saved up enough money to purchase it. Now listen, I didn’t think I was buying a grand piano, but I wasn’t expecting to get fun-sized keys either! When the keyboard arrived from Target, I could barely wedge my meaty fingers between the black keys….
Even worse that that, there are only 40-something keys on the keyboard; that’s way less (like 40 less) than you’d need to play any kind of real music! I guess the lesson is that I’ll need to invest in something more functional next time. Reddit User: bahatumay
The $300 Cooler

I regret buying an expensive cooler that I only used during the summer. The problem was that when you go to a beach town, those specific types of coolers are literally everywhere, and because I had other products from that company and they’re good, I thought, “Why not?”
Me and my significant other got hyped about this cooler and got a good deal on it, but it was still pricey….We used it for one week and it was a task to carry. After getting back from vacation, I think we used it once. Now it’s sitting in my basement. I wish I could have that money back. Reddit User: Fleet_of_Foot
Being Young and Stupid

Back when I was young and stupid, I ended up spending over $1,000 on a purebred puppy. I loved animals, and at the time it seemed like a great idea. Boy, was I wrong. I had no idea how expensive it would have been to take care of the dog for so many years.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved the dog. He died recently after 15 years of love and cuddles….But I absolutely regret spending that much money on an animal. Now that I know better, I adopt rescue animals only. Reddit User: DescoveringPSteacher
My House

I regret buying my house, simply because I just wasn’t ready to be a homeowner. There were so many little and big things that would come up that I had to take care of, including two air conditioning repairs, attic sealing, and a broken sprinkler pipe.
There was also my neighbor’s floodlight; he’s ex-military and seems to be on the lookout for something bad to happen….I’m also ex-military, and I get why he’s this way, but the light still gets on my nerves every day. Plus we live in a really nice neighborhood. I really miss renting apartments. Reddit User: i-justwanna-be
The Watch of a Lifetime

I bought a watch that could measure my heart rate. I wasn’t exactly sure how it worked, but I knew that I wanted it. When I turned it on, I realized that it wouldn’t take your heart rate with that magic green light like most of the other heart rate watches….
In order for it to actually work, what you had to do was to very aggressively press your thumb and pointer finger on either side of the watch. Then you would have to wait like a minute or so before it would tell you your heart rate. Reddit User: Rambroskii
The Unique Mug

I can’t remember where I was when I saw it, but I knew that I needed it in my life when I did. The mug was in the shape of Hulk’s fist, and being a big superhero fan, I wasted no time in buying it. It looks cool, but you can’t drink out of it without making a fool of yourself….
The only way to drink out of it is to move it to a ridiculous angle, then slurp until you get something out of the cup. It’s not very practical for drinking out of. I don’t use it anymore, but I give it to people I don’t like when they’re at my house. Reddit User: [redacted]
I Always Wondered What It Was Like To Drive One

While browsing through Craigslist, I found a 1980s Jaguar with a v12 engine for approximately $2500. I had the money, and I’ve always wondered what it was like to drive one, so I went ahead and bought it. The vehicle drove fine at first, but after being on the highway for a little while, it started to run like a pig….
It became very sluggish and sounded rough. Not to mention that there was also a fuel inefficiency issue. It turns out that ’80s Jaguars are not known for their electronics, and half the sensors going to the throttle body fuel injectors were completely done for.
I couldn’t find replacements, and the stupid thing was going to run in limp mode until I figured out how to fix it….I ended up selling the thing to a friend of mine for $1000. He somehow stripped out everything electronic, slapped on a carburetor, and now uses it for drag racing. Reddit User: [redacted]
Being an Impulse Buyer

I impulse buy almost everything, but it seems that I’m even worse when I’m at the gas station. Every time I go in to get something, I always leave with something other than what I originally went to buy. For some weird reason, I just can’t help myself.
I just get so adventurous with my candy and snack decisions….But they don’t always work out. Sometimes I end up regretting ever having gone to the store. To make matters worse, the gas station has higher prices, so I’m basically paying more for instant garbage. Reddit User: uschnei616
Convincing Myself It Would Work Out

I definitely regret buying one of those Superdry jackets. Thinking back to that moment now, I don’t even know why I ended up getting it in the first place. Even when I was trying it on in the store, I wasn’t completely thrilled about the way it fit me.
But somehow, I managed to convince myself that it would all work out by the time I got it home….Because a change in scenery would change my decision. Right? No. It didn’t, and I was down £250 instantly. By the way, does anyone want it? Reddit User: [redacted]
Too Much Commission

I worked on commission, which isn’t always ideal, but there are some occasions when it really does pay off. I remember this one time when I made over $4000 in a single month. It was a record for me, and like many people who have never had that much money, I went a little crazy with my spending….
I bought a bunch of expensive items, namely: a stereo, a smart television, an XBox, and a computer. I sat down after it was all up and running and a feeling of regret slowly crept over me. Now I just have STUFF that doesn’t even matter. Reddit User: anonoman925
Just a Waste of Time

It was the video game Pillars of Eternity. I was super excited when it came out, but when I popped it into the console, it was an absolute broken mess. Nothing worked. There were so many game-breaking bugs like items not being found and the statistics not working or no ranged attacks and any of the effects.
I had to call Nintendo and annoy them until they refunded my money a day later….Stay away from that game as far as possible, and only get it when everything is fixed. At least I got my money back, so all I lost was valuable time. Reddit User: basti329
Everyone Told Me It Was a Great Idea

I pretty much regret buying my house. Deep down, I knew it was a bad idea at the time and I really didn’t want to do it, but everyone around me told me it was a great idea. They said that it was a great time to buy one. Turns out, that it really wasn’t.
Now I’m way underwater on my mortgage and I’m dying to move, but I can’t….I’m very fortunate that I have a home and that I can afford to pay for it, but I hate feeling stuck. I am much better at thinking for myself now. I learned a valuable lesson. Reddit User: normie33
I Didn’t Want To Pay More For a Different Laptop

I knew that I needed to get a new laptop for some time, but when the time came to make the big purchase, I got cheap about it. I ended up buying a Dell laptop because I didn’t want to pay more for an Apple MacBook, which is the kind that I really wanted.
It’s only been a few months, and the trackpad has already worn a hole in the plastic….The trackpad on my 2008 MacBook still works great. To add insult to injury, Dell is refusing to dispatch their faulty computer for repair. I should have stuck with Apple. Reddit User: accounting-equation
I Miss Renting

I regret buying my house. I had a pretty sweet deal renting with my landlord and the building was on an fine enough street. But a lot of people around me were saying, “It’s so much better to own a house than renting.” So I let myself get talked into buying a house.
The real estate market is crazy where I live, so even a bad house can sell for a tidy sum. I had to max out to get the house I bought, and it still needed work….My mortgage payments are higher than my rent was, and then there are the property taxes. The old heating system was 25 years old, and it’s unreliable among many other things. Reddit User: a_false_vacuum
$1000 CAD Later…

I kind of regret buying a Radeon VII. For those who don’t know, it’s a top performance graphics card that is supposed to provide the ultimate gaming experience. It was over $1000 CAD after tax, and although it stung a bit, I was happy with my purchase.
A few months later, the 5700xt (another card) comes out, and it is nearly as good, if not better, and it is several hundred dollars cheaper….Most games I play are on the lower end of details at 1080p resolution, so I could play fine with a cheaper card. I totally regret buying it. Reddit User: forsayken

Like many people, there have been some times in my life when I regretted doing certain things. In this situation, it was a couple things that I had done in regards to this girl. First, I was being mean to her, and I can’t really remember why I even did what I did.
In an attempt to gain her forgiveness, I bought a bunch of fabric to sew a stuffed animal as an apology for her….But there was a big problem: she wanted me to go away and never talk to her again. I still have the fabric. Can’t get that money back. Reddit User: evilcel