Is Distilled Water A Safe Drinking Option?
Believe it or not, but the water you drink is more vital than any of the foods you eat. And as much as you can make sure that you’re eating the healthiest foods, that effort falls by the wayside if you’re drinking tainted water every day.
Over 7 million people in the U.S. happen to get sick through the water they drink, which is understandable since according to the EPA, there are over 86,000 chemicals in drinking water, and most filters only remove about 100 of those chemicals from tap water. And over time, any water filter deteriorates, so they catch even fewer of those chemicals.
Your body won’t detox properly if you’re consuming toxins from drinking water. Some of the common chemicals in drinking water include pesticides, aluminum, ammonia, arsenic, chlorine, copper, arsenic, mercury, lead, and nitrates, as well as some radioactive elements.
One report even found that 170 million Americans end up drinking water that has radioactive elements. Also, 98% of people in the U.S. have a significant level of plastic in their systems as well, which is downright scary.
Luckily, there is a simple way to control the water that goes into your body.

Different Types Of Water
There are different types of drinking water out there, such as spring water, filtered water, and well water.
Filtered water may be tap water or groundwater. Although this type goes through a filtration process to get rid of chemicals, some inorganic minerals remain in the liquid and lead to adverse health effects.
Spring water comes from a natural source. The FDA permits E. coli to contaminate the water, but the agency doesn’t test the actual water. Rather, bottlers perform testing and provide the results when inspected.
Well, water comes from the ground and contains heavy metals. You may notice your shower or hair turning orange from iron. Drinking well water could lead to intestinal, liver, and kidney damage along with anemia or acute/chronic toxicity. Well, owners should test their own water since public services don’t apply to private wells.
Tap water that comes from your household faucet must adhere to national drinking water standards. However, this kind of water still carries contaminants that can cause potential health risks. Congress allowed the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 to regulate impurity levels. However, it tests for just 91 chemicals rather than all of the containments that your pipes come in contact with. If you opt for tap water, at least get a filter attached to the faucet, even though it is still not a great source of water.

Why Distilled Water Is Different
Distilled water isn’t like the other kinds. Distilled water is able to remove over 99.9% of the toxins that can be found in water. It’s the purest water you’ll find and is the safest to drink.
Parasites are often found in water and can steal your nutrients. Glyphosate is a pesticide in drinking water, getting rid of the important iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium you consume, leading to nutrient deficiency. Distilled water can also make sure you’re not ingesting too much fluoride for your body and teeth.
One potential issue with drinking just distilled water is that you may not be getting enough necessary minerals for your body, like calcium and magnesium. Just make sure to eat foods that are high in minerals and it shouldn’t be a problem.
The main drawback of distilled water is that there’s a flat taste that many aren’t fans of. It may also lead to more frequent urination, which means you need to make sure you have enough electrolytes as well.

The Process Of Distilling Water
The water distillation process is a four-step evaporation system. First, the water source is heated to a low boiling point and forms steam. The toxins and microscopic organisms don’t evaporate, allowing them to separate from the water molecules during the boiling process. Then, the evaporated moisture is funneled back into a condenser. After that, the vapor cools and returns to a liquid form of purified water, which flows into a new container.

Other Benefits of Distilled Water
You should drink about half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. And even more, if you’re actively sweating.
Because of the unique purification process, there are many benefits of drinking distilled water. As you consume this water daily, you won’t drink any inorganic minerals, biological contaminants, or toxic chemicals that may harm your body. Drinking water, in general, will fuel your metabolic function, can lower your chance of disease, and help prevent other health ailments like kidney stones.
Besides just using distilled water for drinking, you can also use it for other applications, such as for baby formula, Neti pots, CPAP machines, toothbrushing, and more. Consider how much you utilize tap water and try distilled water instead. If you adopt these new changes and notice health improvements, this minor adjustment could be why.