How To Use Essential Oils To Lower Stress Levels
You’ve got an upcoming final at school, an important presentation at work, or you’ve been placed on a long hold with the cable company. So many daily tasks can create a great deal of stress. In small bursts, stress is a very normal and necessary feeling for us as humans. We are able to complete tasks and accomplish what we set out to do. But too much stress can be very harmful to our bodies and health. Using essential oils might aid in your ability to effectively combat that unbearable stress.

What Does Mental Stress Feel Like?
Here are a few major symptoms that could serve as warning signs that you have high stress:
- Body aches and headaches
- Problems with memory
- Bad sleep cycles
- Inability to concentrate
Essential oils have some scientific backing in their ability to help with mental issues like depression. But which essential oils are best for your symptoms?

Essential Oils For Aches & Essential Oils For Memory
Rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil can relieve headaches and other body aches. It reduces pain and addresses insomnia, which are two important components responsible for aches.
Peppermint essential oil. Peppermint contains the organic component called menthol, which helps relieve body aches, ease pain, and relax your muscles. Peppermint oil creates a cooling sensation when applied, which suppresses muscle contractions and encourages blood flow to the affected area.
Lemon balm essential oil. Lemon balm essential oil is one of the most costly oils available but is very much worth the expense. It helps to improve sleep and reduce anxiety which helps to maintain good brain health. You might see improvements in your memory as well.
Black pepper essential oil. This oil helps increase brain neurotransmitter activity that could protect against memory loss.

Essential Oils For Sleep & Essential Oils For Concentration
Chamomile essential oil. This oil’s floral scent can provide your mind calming effect. It is considered a top choice for dealing with anxiety and helps improve sleep cycles.
Ylang-ylang essential oils. This essential oil aids in lowering heart rate and blood pressure, calming your body and setting it up for sleep. The fruity scent can be quite calming on its own.
In order to fully grasp what you observe, speak, and listen to, you need concentration. So here are just a couple of the best essential oils to help you reach maximum concentration.
Lemongrass essential oil. This oil’s clean and refreshing scent supports focus and motivation so you can tackle those crucial deadlines.
Rosemary essential oil. Not only is this oil good for aches, it also helps to reduce fatigue and boosts mood which stimulates better attention and focus. Gently massage just a couple of diluted drops on the back of the neck for a few minutes for a full effect.

How To Choose
Because essential oils are not approved or regulated by the FDA, it’s hard to know if you’re getting a real genuine product. Check to see if the botanical or Latin name is on the label and if the origin of the oil is noted. This might be a good indicator to know if you’re buying pure oil.

How To Use
Inhale. Essential oil candles and diffusers are two primary ways to breathe in the aroma and extract its benefits.
Topical. Take some diluted essential oil before using it on your skin. You can let it sit or you can gently massage it to the affected area.

The Takeaway
Essential oils have the ability to reduce mental stress and address its accompanying symptoms. Whether you prefer topical application and massage or resting next to a diffuser, essential oils could be the over-the-counter solution to your stress management.