How To Make Lactose-Free Homemade Fermented Yogurt

What’s all the hype about probiotics?
As we speak, there’s a turf war going on inside your gut. It’s good bacteria vs bad bacteria. In order to maintain good health, or to improve subpar health, your gut need to be in a state of symbiosis (meaning the bad guys need to be kept in check).
This is why it’s imperative to ensure that you’re getting enough beneficial bacteria through diet and supplements.What makes this homemade yogurt recipe so special is that it’s far more powerful than any source of commercial probiotics available on the market.
Most probiotic supplements deliver anywhere from 1-10 billion CFUs per capsule, and can’t even assure you that the beneficial bacteria hasn’t been killed while in transit to the grocery store or to your home. This home made yogurt delivers a massive dose of 700 billion CFUs per cup! So while taking probiotics can help, it’s almost like chipping away at a 50-foot concrete wall with an ice pick.
With that out of the way, here’s how you go about making super yogurt that is also MUCH cheaper than store-bought yogurt in the long run.
- Yogourmet Multi Yogurt Maker
- Yogourmet Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter, 1 ounce box (Pack of 3)
- 2 quarts of Organic cow’s milk or goat’s milk, with no additives
- Water
- Ignore the instructions that come with the Yogourmet. Seriously.
- Pour 2 quarts of milk into a pot.
- Heat the milk on low until it reaches 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the thermometer that comes with the Yogourmet.
- Once it hits 180, remove the pot from the stove and let it cool down to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or less.
- Once the milk has cooled down, pour one package (10 grams) of yogurt starter into the Yogourmet batch container and add just a 1/4 cup of the cooled milk to it. Stir until the starter is entirely dissolved.
- Pour the rest of the cooled milk into the container and stir thoroughly.
- Cover the container with its snap-on lid.
- Pour 1 and a 1/2 cups of water into the Yogourmet yogurt maker itself.
- Put the container into the yogurt maker and put the cover on top.
- Place the yogurt maker away from your stove or any other items that can affect temperature. Plug it in and make sure that the red light has turned on.
- Allow the yogurt to ferment for 24-34 hours. This is CRUCIAL. The lengthy fermentation process is what removes the lactose.
- After the fermentation process is complete, remove the container VERY carefully from the yogurt maker and place it in the fridge to chill for at least 8 hours.
The yogurt will stay fresh for up to two weeks, so enjoy it fresh. You’ve now got delicious, beneficial, gut-healing yogurt that’s suitable for the whole family!