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6 Steps To Getting White Teeth Naturally and Fast

Photo of a man with White Teeth Smile

When you glance in the mirror, do you ever wonder whether you can get your teeth just a little (or a lot) whiter? These days, our diet and lifestyle seem to make stained teeth almost unavoidable. Between coffee, red wine, and soda, among other daily choices and habits, it may seem impossible to keep your smile white without some type of whitening product.

Over-the-counter solutions typically contain a bleaching agent called carbamide peroxide. However, if you have a brown or gray hue to your teeth, most whitening products will have a limited effect. Plus, any dental work completed is less likely to be improved by the whitening products. So you could end up with some teeth whiter than others. With these drawbacks, you might be wondering if they really are as effective, let alone as safe, as companies claim.

Is Teeth-Whitening Safe?

In most cases, using professional teeth-whitening products that contain bleach is considered safe if used in moderation. One of the common side effects is sensitivity, which can last for a few days or up to a week, depending on the treatment used.

It’s important to remember that if you’re going to use a whitener or have your teeth whitened by a dentist, you can’t afford to overuse these treatments. Traditional whitening techniques may break your teeth’s integrity down, making them more susceptible to future stains as they become more porous.

Teeth whitening products could be dangerous if you have an existing cavity. The bleach could enter the cavity, gaining access to the root and potentially causing an infection, which will need to be treated with antibiotics.

There’s also the possibility of soft tissue shrinkage, a concern if you have periodontal disease. A visit to your dentist can determine that you are cavity or periodontal disease free, giving you the green light for whitening treatments. But if you’re not convinced that whitening is entirely safe (in which case, a feeling we happen to share with you), you’ve got alternatives. While there are many teeth whitening products available, there are also excellent options to naturally improve the color of your teeth without a bleaching agent. Here are six means by which you can naturally get those pearly whites to actually be pearly.

6 Steps to Naturally Whiter Teeth

1. Brushing After Every Meal. If you’re someone who brushes in the morning and before bed, you’re already doing better than most people. But brushing after eating can keep your staining to a minimum. Brushing after drinking your morning coffee or having that soda at lunch can also reduce their staining effects. You don’t necessarily have to keep a toothbrush and toothpaste with you constantly. Grab a pack of disposable brushes that you can throw in your desk or purse. It may be difficult to keep up with brushing after every meal at first, but making the effort can contribute to a healthy mouth and whiter smile in the long run!

2. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide combine to make a great natural teeth-whitening paste. Just be careful, as baking soda could take off a layer of your enamel if it’s too gritty. Make the paste runny by adding extra hydrogen peroxide to reduce the grit. Hydrogen peroxide is an antibacterial agent, so it’ll also serve to remove germs and bacteria, as well as improve the overall appearance of your teeth.


3. Oil Pulling. Oils have so many useful purposes, including potentially whitening teeth. Coconut oil pulling can reduce bacteria-causing tooth decay, as well as microorganisms found in plaque (leading to plaque-induced gingivitis). Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and can provide a host of other benefits in addition to its whitening effect. To use the oil pulling method, simply put 1 to 2 tablespoons in your mouth and swish around gently for 10 to 20 minutes. Make sure that you cover all your teeth, including the back ones. You can even add essential oils, such as wild orange, lemon or peppermint for everyday use. After swishing, spit into the trash to avoid clogging drains. Then rinse with warm water and brush your teeth normally.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Using this vinegar is a long-term commitment to see true teeth whitening results. Individuals have reported that it takes a month of continuous use to start seeing true results. However, it’s important to be cautious when using ACV, as it’s an acid and can remove the enamel from your teeth. To avoid the potential damage, you want to brush with a non-fluoride toothpaste after rinsing with ACV. If you can’t brush again, then rinse out your mouth really well.

5. Orange or Lemon Peels. Many people claim orange or lemon peels are a great whitening solution. How, you ask? By simply rubbing these peels on your teeth. While notoriously effective, they’re high in acid. So it’s important to rinse your mouth after using any kind of peel on your teeth, preferably with a hydrogen peroxide rinse. Use a mixture of half water and half hydrogen peroxide after rubbing your teeth with the peels, and swish the mixture in your mouth for at least one minute.

6. Strawberries. Although many people haven’t heard of this technique, there are some who swear by it. Simply mash up a few strawberries and rub the paste all over your teeth. You can let it sit for a few minutes, but rinse your mouth out very well thereafter.


Homemade Teeth Whitener

Whitening toothpastes and other products can be expensive, especially when using them consistently over time. This makes home whitening methods even more attractive, as they can also save you money by using ingredients you already have. Most homemade whiteners only take a few minutes to whip up, and can provide you with outstanding results – if you stay consistent. Here is the recipe for a popular option that takes just a couple of minutes to prepare.


  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 mashed strawberry
  • 3 drops of lemon essential oil


Mix the strawberry and baking soda together until they form a paste. As the paste starts to thicken, add the lemon essential oil drops. Once you complete the paste, brush your teeth for about two minutes, covering all areas of your teeth. Rinse and then brush your teeth with your normal toothpaste. Use this three times a week, until you achieve your desired level of whiteness. Then maintain those results by using the mixture as needed. It’s easy to make right before you use, but you can also store any extra in the fridge for 1-3 days. Just keep in mind that you’ll want to remix it each time, prior to using.

With all of this said, you should be well on your way to a brighter, sexier smile. And hopefully using natural, safe ingredients!
