12 At-Home Workouts That Require No Equipment Whatsoever
Picture this: the gym is closed—or maybe you’re traveling, simply don’t want to go out, or want to start your fitness journey but aren’t feeling ready for the gym. Or even worse- the world is shut down. Yes, this is the reality in 2020.
But nonetheless, you want to stay in shape. What to do?
Conventional wisdom would suggest that you do your work out at home, of course. But what if you don’t have a lot of equipment- or any equipment, for that matter? You might think your options are limited, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Did you know that you can get great workout results at home—with zero equipment—with just your body weight? Not only are bodyweight exercises great for building strength but they’re also a great way to get your cardio in at the same time. Plus, there are so many options for bodyweight exercises and workouts that the possibilities are (almost) endless.
Ready to get moving? Check out these at-home workouts to get you started on the right path. No equipment required…

10-Minute Pilates Workout
You’re probably already familiar with Pilates, right? The key to a great Pilates workout is small, controlled movements to target very specific muscle groups.
You can do this circuit two or three times as its own workout or use it as a warmup before you start another workout from the list.

20-Minute Joint-Friendly HIIT Workout
Everyone’s heard that HIIT is the way to go if you’re looking to get in shape ASAP. But most HIIT workouts involve a lot of jumping—which is great for some, but it may not be ideal for those with sore joints or those just starting their fitness journey.
This HIIT workout was designed to be kinder on the joints and includes lower impact moves like sidekicks and toe touches instead of burpees or jumping jacks.
There are still a couple of moves that might be a little too much for sore knees, but you can easily omit them for another round of an easier move.
An Arm And Core Workout
This workout mostly works your core, but because of the addition of a few push up-style moves, your arms are in for a great burn, too.
With nine moves in this workout, it might seem like a lot, but it can be done in just 15 minutes. Plus, most of the moves can be easily modified to suit your range of motion or joint support needs.

Plank-Based Core Workout
This slightly more intense workout starts out with skaters to get your heart pounding before taking you to the floor for some plank-inspired moves that’ll get you a great arm workout at the same time.
Don’t let the intensity scare you off. Most of the moves have tips on how to make them easier.

3-Move Cardio Workout
With only three simple moves, this cardio workout—with easily modifiable moves—could be just the thing for beginners.
It even includes instructions on how to make the workout more intense as your fitness level increases.

Lower Body + Cardio Workout
This isn’t your average, run-of-the-mill (get it?) leg workout. It’s been designed to test your endurance from start to finish.
Then, just when you think you’ve reached the end, there’s a bonus cardio set to take the challenge to the next level if you choose.

A Less Intense HIIT Workout
Love HIIT workouts but don’t love burpees or mountain climbers? If that sounds like you, then this HIIT routine might be right up your alley.
With not a mountain climber or burpee in sight, this HIIT routine is designed to get you working multiple muscle groups at once.
Tip: if there are any moves that seem confusing or difficult, practice the move a few times at a slow pace to get the movement down before starting the workout.
4-Move Workout That’ll Work Your Butt Off
Sure, there are certain types of gym equipment that can really amp up a glute workout, but this workout shows that to get your glutes working, all you need is your own bodyweight.
With moves like the “fire hydrant” and “clamshell,” you’re sure to get an excellent glute workout right in your own home. From minimus to maximus.

5-Minute Plank Workout For More Than Just Your Core
When you want to work your abs, plank-based moves are the ultimate in core exercises, right? But, did you know that, when done properly, a plank can work out your arms, legs, and glutes, too?
This bodyweight workout uses five plank variations to ensure that you not only get a great core workout but that you also work most of the rest of your body as well.

8-Minute Core Workout
The good news? Core workouts can be some of the easier workouts to do at home. The not-so-good news? A lot of them are super tough and can feel like they go on forever.
In this bodyweight core workout, you’ll spend a scant 30 seconds each on five ab exercises with no rest between until you’ve completed the circuit. After the recommended three circuits, your abs should be on fire and the workout will be done.

Full-Body Cardio Burn
Ready for a cardio workout that works your whole body using just your bodyweight? If so, this might be the cardio routine for you.
This cardio workout takes you through a 5-move circuit, working everything: legs, glutes, core, you name it. The best part is that you choose how many circuits you want to do, your intensity level, and then finish with an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible). You will definitely feel the burn.

30 Minute Cardio Workout
In this full-body cardio workout, the goal is to get through each of the moves as quickly as possible for the maximum burn.
You can choose your intensity and rest periods to suit your fitness level, making this a great workout for beginners. Plus, there’s no running, which makes it even better.